The Race to Be Imperfect

Working on Novel 02, I’m finding out that it’s criminally difficult to both put out a work that you’re proud of and to put it out in a timely manner. Some wise man once said that if 100% is perfection, then we should all strive for 80%; and they’re right, of course. But why not make it BETTER if it can be better?

At the very least, I want the themes to be cohesive, and the lessons, as a bare minimum, not harmful. It turns out that that’s quite the line to walk for Novel 02, which is about a lot of things that notably include violence, activism, and the threat of genocide, so I want to make sure I’m doing it right.

Now for something I’ve written recently without any context:

“Sorry, aye? Kella’s wordy, and prone to admit to things I oughtn’t say. But you already know everything that matters, so it ain’t a great loss. And despite what you said, I really think there’s a way out of this. Just got to figure it.”

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